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SOP Generator Modification w/ Automated Pictures for each section

Officially Answered



  • Official comment
    Todd Bowersock
    DeepHow Moderator

    Thank You Jeremy.
    This is request is in line with what our engineering team is working on. 
    I will create an Feature Request and send you the details.

    Thank YOu

  • Alex

    That's really a good idea. Integrating still-shot pictures and customizable templates would enhance comprehension, streamline the creation process, and ensure consistency. These improvements could transform the tool into a complete solution for detailed and standardized SOPs, saving time and increasing accuracy. I hope DH decides to implement this feature in the system.

  • Peter R. Gomez
    Super User

    I too agree, this is a fantastic idea and glad to hear that the DeepHow team has this in their roadmap as well. Thank you!


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