In this video, we will demonstrate how to add existing Steps to an unpublished workflow. This is helpful to do when:
- You already created content but want to add more to an existing workflow.
- A process has changed slightly and you want to change a step in a current workflow.
- You may have a repeating step you’d like to use across all workflows.
- Navigate to the Editor and select a workflow
- Please note: You can only add steps to an unpublished workflow at the final editor step so if you would like to add steps to a published workflow, select Unpublish
- Please Note: You can only combine workflows with the same Input language
- Once you are on an Unpublished workflow that has already gone through segmentation, navigate to the bottom steps and hover over the step.
- You can add a step before or after the step by selecting the plus blue icon which will navigate you to your unpublished workflows in that workspace
- Please note, you can add steps from another workflow when they are within the same Workspace.
- Select the workflow you’d like to add a step from.
- You can select one step or multiple within that workflow and you can also add steps from different workflows.
- Select insert and it adds it to where you selected. If you added the step to the wrong location, you can drag and drop it to be in the correct order.
- If you added the wrong step, you can remove it any time by selecting the trash icon and selecting yes to confirm deleting.
- You can also edit the name of the steps here.
- Once you are done, select save and then select publish.
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