How To Video
Step by Step:
- Within the editor, navigate to a workspace and select a published workflow.
- You could also add quizzes to an unpublished workflow, but you will need to publish that workflow and quiz for the quiz to be live as well.
- Navigate to the quiz builder. Here on the left hand side you have the ability to generate questions with AI or add questions manually. On the right hand side is the workflow to reference along with the transcriptions divided into steps.
- When you select Generate with AI, you could select the number of questions you'd like out of 20 and you could also select the question type.
- Select single selection or true or false, then select Create Questions.
- Here the AI will create the questions in the background.
- When the AI has finished creating questions, they will be labeled with question numbers on the left hand side.
- You have the ability to edit the questions and customize however you like and even edit the answers. You could adjust the selected answer.
- Please note that the AI generates the first answer as the correct response.
When a viewer takes the quiz, these answers will be randomized.
- Please note that the AI generates the first answer as the correct response.
- You have the option to delete a question 1 by 1 or select multiple at a time.
- At any time you could add more questions manually.
- Select the question type and fill in the questions and answers
- Once you are happy with your quiz , select save and publish!
- Please note: You will need to publish the workflow first in order to publish the quiz. You will see a greyed out 'activate' until you publish the workflow. This is to prevent you from publishing a quiz while you are still editing the content.
- Users can navigate to the navigator to take the quiz or be assigned a skill.
Assign Quizzes Through Skills
- Users will need to have access to the skills management tool to begin assigning users quizzes within skills.
- Select Create a skill here, name the skill , and select Create.
- Begin selecting the workflows and then select Insert.
- Navigate to the user's tab and begin assigning.
- When all content and users has been added, select publish.
- You'll notice a new tab here called Quiz Analytics.
- Here you'll see the number of users that were assigned to the skill, the users that completed the skill, along with the percentage of quiz completion rate and quiz pass rate.
- Back on the users tab you could see that the user has took one quiz out of two that are available in this skill. You can also see how far along they are in watching the content
Please Note: If you later unpublish the quiz, you will be prompted with a new box that says 'this workflow update requires retraining'. This will pop-up if you have this workflow attached to a published skill.
The user assigned to the skill will receive a notification that the content has been updated and requires retraining
Taking the Quiz
- When users are assigned a skill, they will receive a notification within the application indicating that they have been assigned a skill. They will also get an email notifying them of this as well.
- Users can also navigate to this by selecting the Skills section within the Navigator.
- Here users will be able to see all the skills they've been assigned. They can also see the quiz status if it's complete and if they fully watched the workflows here.
- When a skill is selected, the percentage of watch time is displayed on the left.
- Each workflow will display the time to watch, the steps, and how many quiz questions are needed to complete. Users will also be able to see if they've passed or failed the quiz attached to that workflow. This will be represented with the red dot indicator and when you hover over the quiz status, it will indicate if the user has passed or failed.
- Users could directly start the quiz or click on the workflow to start watching it.
- Users can watch through the workflow and then on the bottom of the steps select Start the quiz.
- Users will navigate through the quiz and as they select an answer and hit submit, they will see if it's correct or incorrect.
- As users continue through the quiz, they will see how far along they are with the blue bar along with the percentage up at the top.
- When a user has not passed, they'll be notified that they need to try again. They could try again later or retake the quiz immediately.
- They also have the opportunity to review the questions that they've got correct or incorrect. When they rewatch the workflow, they will be reminded that they need to review and retake the quiz.
Quiz Features and Functionality:
How do I use the AI Quizzing feature?
- Follow our Knowledge Base article above with our How To Video and step-by-step guide.
How do I get access to AI Quizzing?
- During the initial release, AI Quizzing will be available for a free trial to all customers who opt-in. Contact your Account Executive directly to discuss post-trial pricing options. Please contact your CSM or email support at
Benefits of Quizzing:
Why would I use the AI Quizzing Feature?
- Reinforcement of Learning: Users may utilize the quizzing feature to reinforce their understanding of the content covered in the training video.
- Self-Assessment and Feedback: Quizzes offer users an opportunity for self-assessment, allowing them to gauge their comprehension and identify areas where they may need further review or clarification.
- Active Participation and Engagement: Quizzing encourages active participation and engagement with the training material, as users are prompted to recall information, apply concepts, and solve problems.
- Knowledge Check and Progress Tracking: Users may use the quizzing feature to assess their progress and evaluate their mastery of the training content over time.
Which languages are supported by the AI Quizzing Feature?
- In our first release we will release quizzes in English and Chinese. We highly recommend submitting a feature request within our Community for additional languages you’d like to see for quizzing.
Is AI Quizzing available on Mobile Navigator?
- In the first version, AI Quizzing will be available on the browser. AI Quizzing will be available on Mobile Navigator in the future.
How do Admins and Publishers create quizzes?
- Navigate to the editor and navigate to a published workflow. Use the Quiz Builder button to start creating.
If I copy a workflow, will it also copy the quiz?
- Currently at this time, no but this will be implemented in the future.
Editing the Quiz
How do I set a Passing Score / What is the passing score?
- The system currently allows a 100% score to pass the quiz. You are currently not able to change this. Users can take the quiz as many times as needed to pass.
Can I add a time limit for users taking the quiz?
- Not at this time
When creating a quiz, how do I select the right answer?
- The correct answer will already be selected as the first answer underneath the question. This will then randomize when a user takes the quiz.
Can quizzes reference images or attachments added from the video?
- Not at this time. We recommend submitting a feature request within our Community.
If a new step is added in the workflow, will the quiz regenerate to add questions including the new transcript?
- The quiz will be unpublished whenever a workflow is unpublished so you will have to go in and add/review questions
If I edit the quiz after it has been assigned in a skill, how can I notify users that a change has occurred?
- Make sure to unpublish the workflow and republish this. Make sure to select the box 'this requires retraining'. This will notify users that are assigned to the skill that content has been updated.
Taking the Quiz
Can users save their progress and resume quizzes later?
Users lose their progress upon quitting to prevent cheating
How do viewers take AI Quizzes?
- They can navigate to a workflow and take the quiz with or without watching the workflow.
- A user can be assigned a skill: The user can take quizzes in their assigned skills.
Can users take the quiz when the workflow is shared via a public link?
- No, when a workflow with a quiz is shared, the user will not be able to see or take the quiz attached to the workflow.
Quiz Results
Is there an option to export quiz results?
- Exporting quiz results is not available at this time.
How do I access quiz results? Who can access quiz results?
- There are two ways to see quiz results. Within Analytics, you can select the quiz tab and access all the details for quiz analytics.
- If you would like to see quiz results for quizzes within a skill, you can navigate to the Skills feature and select 'Quiz Analytics' within the Skill they published with quizzes.
Can I see which questions users got wrong?
- Only users can see which questions they answered incorrectly at this time.
How do i view wether a specific user passed or failed the quiz that I assigned to them when there is more than one user assigned to the skill?
hi Audrey Van de Castle- Within Skills, you can navigate to the 'Users' tab - there, you will be able to see each user assigned and if they have passed the quiz under 'Quiz Status'. This will not show you who has failed it - please let me know if you have any other questions
Hi Andrea Zamparini - where do I see who has failed the quiz?
Currently, there is no way to check if the user has failed. I'd be happy to submit this feature request on your behalf! Audrey Van de Castle
Perhaps an understanding of how the DeepHow team sees the feature of quizzing would be ideal? As a consumer, I would expect that to be foundational functionality of quizzing, like it is in any other platform that I have used quizzing in, and not need to be a special new feature to request?
Audrey Van de Castle I misspoke - when you assign a user a skill and they fail it, you can see this under Quiz status - when you hover over this, it will say ' did not pass' which is also represented with the red indicator. Please let me know if you experience it differently
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