Improvements and New Features
- The skills section was improved. Users will no longer have to refresh the page to see the updated progress if they close out of a workflow inside a skill.
- The “beta” tag on skills has been removed.
Portuguese (Portugal) language option is available for both input and output.
- On occasion, an error message would appear if a user selected an input language that wasn’t available within Key Terms. An improvement was made to allow users to continue using the editor and move to the Segmentation step even if the language isn’t available within Key Terms. Moving forward, if the language isn’t available, users won’t be able to add Key Terms in unavailable languages, and they will no longer receive the error message they did before. Examples of languages impacted are: Persian and French Canadian.
Mobile Updates
- Users can now access the comments section on the mobile apps if the comments feature is turned on by an Org Admin inside the Admin section.
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